PAMAX帕瑪斯安全鞋|工作鞋|防滑鞋 PAMAX safety shoes | work shoes | anti-slip shoes 不一樣的安全鞋,來自PAMAX帕瑪斯 Different safety shoes from PAMAX
our vision 【我們的願景】 【我們的願景】是成為守護足部安全的領航者,為每一位使用者提供最優質的產品和解決方案。我們深信,保護足部健康不僅是一個責任,更是一種承諾。透過不懈的創新和技術卓越,我們致力於打造高品質、舒適且安全的產品,讓每一步都充滿信心與安全感。我們的目標不僅是滿足客戶的需求,更是超越他們的期望,成為他們可以信賴的夥伴,共同創造一個更健康、更安全的未來。
Our vision is to become the leader in foot safety and provide every user with the highest quality products and solutions. We firmly believe that protecting foot health is not only a responsibility, but also a commitment. Through relentless innovation and technical excellence, we are committed to creating high-quality, comfortable and safe products that provide confidence and security every step of the way. Our goal is not only to meet our customers' needs, but also to exceed their expectations and become their trustworthy partner to jointly create a healthier and safer future.
our mission 【我們的使命】 【我們的使命】是為每位使用者帶來歡樂、舒適和安心,並將安全視為首要考量。我們以人為本,擁有專業且敬業的團隊,客戶至上,態度積極。我們不斷努力,實踐對足部健康和安全的承諾。工作與生活密不可分,因此,我們深信每一步都應該是安全舒適的。我們將持續努力,讓安全和舒適成為您生活中不可或缺的一部分。
Our mission is to bring joy, comfort and peace of mind to every user, with safety as our top priority. We are people-oriented, with a professional and dedicated team that puts customers first and a positive attitude. We continually strive to demonstrate our commitment to foot health and safety. Work and life are inseparable, so we believe every step should be safe and comfortable. We will continue to work hard to make safety and comfort an integral part of your life.
《 關於PAMAX 帕瑪斯 》 業鵬國際,即PAMAX帕瑪斯安全鞋(總公司及總部),成立於2005年,至今已18年歷程。我們以專業安全鞋為核心定位,堅持台灣製造,並不斷升級和進化。憑藉專業設計、製造和行銷,我們已建立起品牌形象,贏得廣大愛用客戶,行銷通路遍佈全省。
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